
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Books on Okinawa

by Pa Rock
Cultural Explorer

I have been diligently searching for a new copy of Okinawa:  The History of an Island People ever since a friend loaned me his soon after my arrival here.  In the ensuing couple of months, I have read bits and snippets of the book, enough to know that it is an exceptional historical account of Okinawa.  I have been searching for my own copy so that I could read at my own pace, and return my friend's copy to him.  Amazingly the book which presents itself as the standard history of the island, has been exceeding hard to find.

Today, after burning an hour on the treadmill at Gunners, I stopped by the larger Camp Foster Shopette for a coke on ice, and as I entered the store I walked straight into a new book display.  There I found several copies of the elusive island history, as well as a nice selection of other books on Okinawa.  I also bought a copy of  The Battle for Okinawa  which was written by a Japanese Colonel (Hiromichi Yahara) who fought in battle.

I am planning on taking a Battle of Okinawa Tour which visits important World War II sites on the island including the Command Caves used by the Japanese troops.  I thought that reading the book on the battle might make the tour more memorable and meaningful.  We'll see.

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