
Friday, October 29, 2010

Torii Beach

The Surf at Torii Beach
by Pa Rock

I am a Department of the Army Civilian working at Kadena, the largest U.S. Air Force Base in the Far East.   The Office of Personnel that administers my stay on Okinawa is located on a small army base about five miles north of Kadena.  That base is called Torii Station.  Torii is located right on the East China Sea and has a long strip of beautiful beach.  Occasionally I have to make a run up to Torii Station for administrative reasons, and today, my day off, was one of those times.  When my business was done, I headed to Torii Beach to see what yesterday's storms had washed ashore.

I got to the beach just as some Marines in uniform were leaving.  They assured me that it was fine to be there and wished me a nice day.  I headed out onto the sand, camera in hand, planning on snapping a few pictures the waves and maybe coming away with a couple of shell scraps.  Since today (Friday) is a workday for most of the military, I found myself as the solitary explorer on thee beach.

Shells and Pieces of Coral Washed Ashore
at Torii Beach
Much to my surprise, shells were varied and plentiful.  I came away with enough to probably fill a shoebox.  My haul also included a few pieces of sea glass and four golf balls!  As I was leaving, a couple of young ladies showed up with their plastic buckets to look for sea treasure -  and I had left plenty!

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