
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Naha and Points South

Craftsman at a Glass Forge - Itoman, Okinawa
by Pa Rock
Cultural Explorer

A friend and I motored over the south end of Okinawa today, visiting the glass factory at Itoman, Peace Park on the southern tip  of the island, rural Naha looking for the duplex that I lived in forty years ago (which we did not locate);  a fish market, and finally dinner on Kokusai Street.  It was a full day, and I took plenty of pictures.  They will run here over the next few days.  Enjoy!
Glass Art - Itoman, Okinawa

1 comment:

  1. How are the fish markets there? Scott loves fish more than anyone I have ever met. I've learned to really like it too, because of him. We've got a bunch of frozen cod & salmon in our deep freezer. Since we are close to the coast here fresh fish is much more available.
